Friday, December 19, 2014

Hazrat Ali (R.A) - Caliph of Islam - Hazrat Ali Quotes

Hazrat Ali (R.A) 

Hazrat Ali r.a

 Name and Parentage 

Hazrat Ali (R.A) was born on 600 AD in Saudi Arabia. He belonged the most respectable family of Quraish, the Banu Hashim. He was the son of  Hazrat Abu Talib, the uncle of Huzrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H).  His mother name was Fatima bint Asad, who gave him a title of Haider (lion). Hazrat Ali (R.A) was the cousin and the son in  law of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) took Hazrat Ali (R.A) in his childhood from his father and brought up him like his own son.

First Child Who Accepted Islam  

He was the first child who embraced Islam when He was only ten years old and accepted that Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) is the last prophet of Allah. He devoted his life for Islam.
When holy prophet (P.B.U.H) started preach openly,  he invited all of His family members to a feast and announced this mission before them. Nobody listened to Him, but young Ali stood up and said," Through my eyes are sore, my legs are thin and I am the youngest of all those present here yet I will stand by you, O Messenger of Allah". Hearing this all the leaders of Quraish laughed but Ali (R.A) proved his words to be true after supporting the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) in His mission from the beginning till the end.

Fourh Caliph of Islam 

 After the martyrdom of Hazrat Usman (R.A), Hazrat Ali (R.A) was chosen as a Caliph, so he was the fourth Caliph of Islam. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was a very straight-forward man who considered the "Khilafat" (Caliphate) as a great trust. He paid special attention to it during his caliphate.

On the nineteenth of Ramadan, while Ali was praying in the mosque of Kufa, the Kharijite Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam assassinated him with a strike of his poison-coated sword. Ali, wounded by the poisonous sword, lived for two days and died on the 21st of Ramadan in the city of Kufa in 661 CE. He was not only a great warrior but a great scholar as well.

 Sayings of Hazrat Ali (R.A)

=Fear ALLAH and you will have no cause to fear anyone.  

=The word of ALLAH  is the medicine of the heart.

= Lead such a life, that, when you die, the peolpe may mourn you, and while you are alive they long for your company

=The days of life pass away like clouds, so do good while you are alive.

=Of all the follies the greatest is to love the world.

=Opportunity is swift of flight but slow to return.

=The most happy is he to whom God has given a good wife.

=He who knows himself knows God.

=Knowledge enlivens the soul.

=The fight against one's desires is the greatest of all fights. 

=Wealth and greed are roots of all evils.


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