Saturday, January 17, 2015

Magic and Islam - What Islam says about Magic? - Magic Solutions

Black magic

Magic is Haram

Indulging in magic, teaching and learning magic, earning out of it is unconditionally and absolutely Haraam.  A gunahane Kabira (greater sin) leading to Hell fire. On the basis of obligatory precaution, this is not allowed even for retaliating to magic in general. The exception to this being, when there is no alternate to this and there is a requirement that is of higher significance in nature, like saving a momins life who is being affected by magic. By magic it is meant to influence the mind of a person through influencing of the sight or hearing or similar aspects of a person.

Magic is an old human practice. It is sometimes defined as deception by showing something to an audience, which is contrary to reality. In Islam this is part of magic, which is, however, defined as seeking the help of demons to perform something harmful against somebody.

Black Magic 
Black magic

Black magic is mainly done by tying knots with victim's name and what they want done to that person such as to control his/her mind, make the person ill etc. Allah pointed out about this in Surah Falaq: "And from the evil of those who blow on knots.."

Allah ta'ala, through his Infinite Mercy, has taught His Servants such du'a and recitation which does not only cure, but saves them from the evil effects of black-magic, jinn, etc.: 1. After completing fardh Salat, recite the masnoon waza�if and thereafter ayatul kursi.

    Note: Ayatul kursi is a verse from Soorah Baqarah starting Allahu laa'ilaaha illaa huwal... (Al Qur�aan 2:255)

2. Before going to Sleep, read Ayatul kursi. Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said, "Whoever recites Ayatul kursi at night, a protector (angel) from Allah continually safeguards him and Shaytaan will not come near him until morning."(Bukhari)

3. Read Soorah lkhlas, Soorah Falaq and Soorah Nas after every fardh Salaat. (Read them thrice after the Fair and Maghrib Salat).

4. Before going to sleep, read the last two verses of Soorah Baqarah. Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said, "Whoever recites the last two verses of Soorah Al Baqarah at night, they will be sufficient for him. " (They will save him from Shaytaan and other misfortunes). (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi, Aboo Dawood, Nasaee, Ibne Majah)

5. Read the following du�a in abundance:

A'oozu bikalimaatil'laahit taam'maati min shar'ri maa khalaq

Translation: I seek refuge in all the Perfect Words Of Allah from the mischief of His Creations. (Muslim, Tirmizi, Ibne Majah)

6. Read the following du'a at the beginning of the day and night:

Bismil'laahil lazi laa yadhur'ru ma'a ismihi shay'un fil ardhi walaa fis samaa'i wahuwas samee'ul 'aleem

Translation: In the Name of Allah with Whose Name nothing can cause harm in the earth and the heaven. And He is All Hearing, All Knowing. (Aboo Dawood, Tirmizi, Ibne Maiah, Hakim)

The above mentioned prayers will, insha'allah, prevent the evil effects of black-magic and other outside effects. These are measures derived directly from the teaching of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and, if recited regularly, with sincerity, yaqeen and Trust in Allah, then one will never complain of evil-effects.

The Holy Quran say:
Holy Quran

    "Suleiman (Solomon) did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved teaching men magic" (2:102)

"And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the scripture threw away the book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know. And they followed what the devils gave out falsely of magic of the reign of Solomon; for Solomon did not disbelieve but the devils disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels Harut and Marut, but neither of these two (angles) taught anyone (such things) until they had said: we are only for trial, so don't disbelieve. And from them (magicians) people learn that through which they would cause separation between a person and his spouse, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's leave; and they learn that which harms them rather than profits them. And indeed they knew that its practitioner would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves if they but knew" (2:101-2).

  �They said: O Musa! Will you cast, or shall we be the first to cast? He said: Cast. So when they cast, they deceived the people�s eyes and frightened them, and they produced a mighty enchantment.�(Araaf 7: 115-116).

    �He said: Nay! Cast down. Then lo! Their cords and their rods � it was imaged to him on account of their magic as if they were running.�(TaHa 20: 66).

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